Batch file to remove symantec endpoint protection
Batch file to remove symantec endpoint protection

batch file to remove symantec endpoint protection

I don't really want to go computer to computer doing this. The final goal should be to Uninstall all Symantec Endpoint Protection through GPO hopefully silently. With my batch file and or to find a better way to do it. And that's why I'm asking you guys since there is many experienced people out here. Maybe there is a better way to do what I need to do. So the way I found out to do the work is creating batch files. I'm pretty new doing batch files and working with GPO. If not errorlevel 1 (taskkill /f /im "outlook.exe")

batch file to remove symantec endpoint protection

Tasklist /fi "imagename eq outlook.exe" | find /i "outlook.exe" > nul I needed to check if Outlook is open because if not it does not allow me to uninstall it. Here is the batch file I created to uninstall SEP: Is there any better way to uninstall SEP any version? In my batch file I put two different versions. I've found out that if the version does not match the registry key (which changes with every version) it won't uninstall the program. Is there any way to bypass UAC? Any way to run the batch file as "Run as Administrator"? Here is the UAC batch file code to disable it:Ĭ:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f I've tried to create a batch file that disables UAC but it needs to run in Admin mode because instead I receive a message saying "Access denied". A window appears with the UAC asking for permission. I found out that UAC is blocking the uninstall. If I try to do it in silent mode nothing happens, the batch file does not run. I've created a batch file that should uninstall the program and run when computers start up. I'm trying to uninstall all Symantec Endpoint Protection from the computers I manage through GPO.

Batch file to remove symantec endpoint protection